

A tale of acts most vile and foul, uncovered by a gardener's trowel.  A plot unlike the kind he seeds, with dirt unlike the kind he needs. A simple man, of lawn and hedge, Wah digs to bury, not to dredge.

With time, as years wore on, and Wah had ups and downs, a nagging sense of knowing that among us there are hounds who bay and prey and feast upon the kindness of our breed.

So, therefore Wah, who had renounced a life among the herd, has found his way, up from the weeds and into glaring sun.

And now, though much too late for Wah, he does what must be done. A humble servant with a pen, who follows in the path of those among the clan who foil the cynic's plan.

I ride, if I might say, as shotgun for two rival drivers-- Curiosity and Suspicion. They carry Wah on  down darkened trails in hot pursuit of elusive quarry, by name of Truth. And, on that hunt, Wah does encouter, too, along the way, conspirators and snitches: Hunch, and Hmmm What If, and Hey..

But, still I, Wah, must state for all-- with no offense to doubt, and skeptic-- alas, this blog has no hidden goal, no undeclared agenda. Wah knows not much and all Wah knows Wah learned from Eyes For Lies and other Masters of the Investigator's Craft, about the topics herein discussed. It humbles an aging man to think these words might reach an Ear, and would thereby assist a nod, or chuckle or a thought . So..
If what Wah gains in that regard is valued by its own reward, then Wah has made off with a prize no con-men ever will: a sense of satisfaction, a wealth of gratitude, a priceless bit of happiness, and a stolen smile that can't be bought.


  1. That was a lovely read Wah, as with everything you write. I also was floored by the comparison pictures of OJ and Casey Anthony upon hearing their verdicts! I always thought they both looked surprised they were found not guilty, but your side-by-side photos and description were amazing.
    I have loved reading your insights at Eyes for Lies and Curiosity moved me too, you see. Now I am rewarded with your wonderful blog. Thank-you.


    1. Thank you, Madame Christy. Thank you for your charming note!

  2. Hi, I’ve been reading your blog and just wanted to ask you something? Please email me back. Thanks!

